Can Bankruptcy Discharge Judgments in Los Angeles?
If a creditor has obtained a judgment against you, you probably have several questions. How can I afford to pay this? What happens if I cannot pay? Can I get rid of this judgment by filing bankruptcy? What if they put the judgment against my property?
In this situation, you need answers from someone who knows the law. You need an attorney who can explain your options and help you determine the best course of action to help you deal with the judgment against you.
At RHM LAW LLP, we do not make judgments, we remove them. We can help you get rid of any judgment against you. Our bankruptcy lawyers in Los Angeles will meet with you during a 30-minute risk-free consultation and evaluate your unique circumstances.
Call (213) 344-0043 to schedule an appointment at our office in Los Angeles or Encino.
Bankruptcy Can Discharge Most Judgments
If a creditor sues you for a debt, a court can issue a judgment ordering you to pay the amount or even garnish your wages to repay the debt. The good news is, there is a way to stop these actions by filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can help wipe out judgments for a majority of lawsuits, including those stemming from personal loans, credit card debts, medical bills, and more. The same debts that are dischargeable through bankruptcy can also be discharged whether or not there is a judgment attached.
Many types of judgments can be discharged by filing bankruptcy, including those involving:
- Cars
- Second mortgages
- Credit card bills
- Unpaid medical bills
- Business debts
- Personal debts
- Certain personal injury lawsuits
- Second and third mortgages moved in a Chapter 13 case
- Deficiency from a short sale
Some types of judgments, however, are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Nondischargeable debts include judgments involving domestic support obligations (child support or alimony), criminal cases, and personal injury judgments resulting from driving while intoxicated. To learn if your judgment can be eliminated by filing either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, speak to an experienced attorney at RHM LAW LLP.
Learn More About Discharging Your Judgments
At RHM LAW LLP, we don’t make judgments, we remove them. We can help you get a second chance through bankruptcy. Count on us to interpret the law in plain language and clearly explain your options. From our offices in Los Angeles and Encino, we represent clients throughout Southern California. For your convenience, we offer payment plans.
Filing bankruptcy is a valid option after being involved in a lawsuit with a creditor. Contact our firm to discuss your situation during a 30-minute risk-free consultation.

Meet Our Los Angeles Bankruptcy Specialists
M. Jonathan Hayes Senior Counsel
Matt D. Resnik | Managing Partner Certified Bankruptcy Specialist
Roksana D. Moradi-Brovia | Partner Certified Bankruptcy Specialist
W. Sloan Youkstetter | Associate Attorney Certified Bankruptcy Specialist
Russell J. Stong III | Associate Attorney Certified Bankruptcy Specialist
David M. Kritzer Associate Attorney

We Wrote the Book on Bankruptcy
Get Your Copy Today
A Summary of Bankruptcy Law: Third Edition
Summary of Chapter 13

Committed to making the process as stress-free as possible for our clients, our Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys and dedicated staff will handle everything for you. From filling out paperwork through getting end results, we will work to help your case run smoothly and efficiently. We serve our clients in English, Spanish and Farsi.